Austin Ely

Software developer based in Durham, NC.

GH: bvtujo

Email: austinrossely@gmail

Twitter: @bvtujo


Software Development Engineer at Google Distributed Cloud. Object Storage Replication and Disaster Recovery

I used to build AWS Copilot (AWS’ opinionated, magical ECS deployment tool) and work on infrastructure as code integrations via the AWS CDK extensions.


DDOS (Daily Dose of Sweet)

Dog pictures as a service. Written in Go, deployed by AWS Copilot.

Wordpress on Copilot

Everything you need to run self-hosted, autoscaling Wordpress with serverless containers on ECS.


Bread Diary

Very small blog documenting some early sourdough experiments and, more recently, focaccia.

The Anchovist

During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Danielle and I started a blog to keep track of our cooking.
